Okay so on my iPhone the Lock screen background color is pink and on my Home screen the background color is white, but I want to make it pink. How can I do that?
Chosen Answer:
In photo editing software, like the free GIMP download, there are two ways to do it
1. Select the color pink you want as the foreground color, then select the Flood Fill tool or option and click in the white outside area. All of that white should change to the pink. Save under a new name. It won’t change the white on the tummy. The shadow will remain gray not become grayish pink.
2. Or use the Color Replacer Tool and sent the foreground to pink and the background to white and set the brush fairly large and opaque first. Brush all over and the white will change to pink. You can also change the opacity and work on the gray to tint it pink, but that takes some learning so work after making a backup copy.
This assumes you know how to put that image back on your iPhone as home screen etc. because I don’t
by: Mike1942f
on: 3rd February 12